Sunday, December 7, 2014


Rev. 13:8 - Here the beast is associated with the number 666. Anybody that has read extensively in Jewish literature will notice that the Jews seem to be fascinated by the number 6. The so called Star of  David has also been known as the shield of Solomon and was a potent black magic symbol associated with Satanism and invocation of demons in Medieval Europe.

The so called Star of David is six pointed.. Six million Jews were killed in  the Holocaust. The estimated Jewish population in the United States is six million. In Biblical numerology numbers also have spiritual meanings. Three and seven are holy numbers. Six is not a holy number. Six is symbolic of unredeamed man and his sinful nature. 600 is symbolic of warfare and 66 is symbolic of idol worship, whose modern day equivalent is false religions.

So at the end times false religion, (worshiping homebody other than Christ or Christianity) warfare, (The Middle East and possibly even more globalized warfare) and sin (unsaved humanity)  will all be associated with the Anti-Christ. 

Remember in Hebrew, like Latin, letters can also be converted into numbers. One person will be head of the beast system whose name will convert into 666. This person will sit in the Jewish temple in the place of God and demand to be anointed as the Messiah. To Christians he will be the anti-Christ and to Jews he will be the long awaited messiah. Thus, I believe the Anti-Christ will be Jewish. Perhaps a Jewish person posing as a gentile, but one who will eventually reveal his Jewish ancestry. It is not ironic that car plates in Israel bear the prefix-666?

One can only wonder if modern day Judeo-Christians, those who believe today's Jews are the biblical Israelites, will have their eyes opened when  he is anointed as the Anti-Christ, because it will have been their religion, and their support of Israel, that helped bring him to power as a result of their chosen race philosophy and their  mistaken identification of who biblical Israel actually was. Could it be that the false prophet who brings the Anti-Christ to power is the modern day, mainstream variant of Christianity, found in modern evangelical Christianity, that believes Jews are the chosen race and that the establishment of Israel was a holy act ordained of God?

Will Christian Zionism, that is to say Judeo-Christianity, be instrumental in bringing the Anti-Christ to power? Food for thought!


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