Thursday, December 25, 2014


It almost certainly was not on December 25th in 1 AD.  Mathew places Jesus birth during the final years of the reign of King Herod the Great, who died in 4 B.C. Matthew tells us the wise men appeared before Herod and wanted to know where is he that is born King of  Judah? (By Judah we mean those tribes that were still living in Israel and had not been deported. That would have been the tribes of Benjamin and Judah, the other 10 tribes, the so called lost tribes, had already been deported and eventually assumed a new identity and forget their heritage, which is only now being revealed to them in these latter days. Which is why the Christian Identity faith is of divine origin and revelation)

Herod, of course, feared for his Kingdom and inquired of his people  where the messiah was predicted to be born. They told him it was Bethlehem of Judea so he had every child killed who was  two years old and under in order to wipe out this pretender to the throne.

Why two years old and under? Because it took the Wise men at least two years to travel from Persia to Palestine. If the star they saw heralded his birth, and they departed for Palestine and arrived two years later, the time period fits. If Jesus was really born in 1 A.D. then Herod is already dead and hence no killing of Children in Bethlehem.

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