Sunday, December 14, 2014


Rev. 17: 5- here a religious system is referred to as Mystery Babylon which will bring the anti-Christ to power. Judeo-Christians of the Protestant variety will tell you this is the Roman Catholic Church because Rome sits upon seven hills because the seven hills relate to a great city. (Rev. 17: 18) They assume that city is Rome when it is actually Jerusalem, which is where the anti-Christ will sit in the Jewish temple and proclaim himself as God, the long awaited Jewish messiah, but the Christian anti-Christ. Lo and behold guess what other city stands upon seven hills? Jerusalem!  Rev. 17:9

(start with the Mount of Olives to the east of the main city of Jerusalem, there are three summits to the Mount of Olives. The northerner summit is called Scopus- hill one. The middle summit was called Nob- hill two. The highest point of Olivet, and the southern summit hill was called the the scriptures the Mount of Corruption or the Mount of Offense- hill three.  One the middle ridge between Kedron and the Tyropoeon Valleys there was formerly Mount Zion, and not the latter southwest hill that was later called by that name- hill four. The Ophel Mount is hill five. To the north of that "The Rock"  around which Fort Antonia was built- hill six. And finally, there was the southwest hill itself- hill seven- that finally became known in the time of Simon the Hasmonean as the new Mount Zion.)

Remember during the Jewish exile in Babylon they picked up many strange beliefs which were contrary to biblical Old Testament belief.  These strange beliefs were referred to by Christ in the New Testament as the "Traditions of the Elders." Today it has a  more formal name, as these traditions have been formally codified in a book known as the Jewish Talmud, or more specifically the Babylonian Talmud! What could be clearer? 

Notice the color red is associated with the beast, dragon, and the whore of Babylon and remember the color red is also associated with Communism. The woman has killed many people because of their Christian faith.

Notice the great whore of Babylon is also the mother of other whores. This refers to all the secretive political and esoteric groups that the Babylonian Talmud and organized Jewry has organized, or influenced, as front groups, including banks and false religions, to undermine Christianity and true Israel. This  Babylonian taint can be found in various branches of Christianity, in both the Catholic variety and the modern Judeo-Christian heresy, which unfortunately, is the mainstream variety in many parts of the United States, especially the South.

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