Thursday, December 25, 2014


They were called Magi from which we get the world Magic. They were from Persia, now called Iran. (Iran...Aryan...see the similarities?) They were scribes and skilled in astrology and probably were priests of a Persian religion called Zoroastrian.

Now modern day Judeo-Christians have a problem explaining why pagan priests from a non-Jewish country could possibly care about the birth of a Jewish child, destined to be the messiah, in Palestine. They are indeed captive of their false beliefs, which is why they cannot explain it.

Back then Persian was an Aryan country. Which means they were fair, light skinned, probably blue  eyed and blond or brown headed, maybe even red. These are all all Aryan traits, what today we call Celtic or Nordic traits. They certainly did not consist of one Negro, one Caucasian, and one Asian, as usually depicted. One of the titles of the Shah of Iran was " Light of the Aryans" based on a title Darius claimed for himself who boasted he was "The Aryan of Aryans"

The Zoroastrian believed the world was created by a beneficent god of light called Ahura Mazda, who was opposed by an evil entity called Ahriman. At the end of time there would be a cataclysmic battle between good and evil, evil would lose, and after that the final judgement of mankind and their eternal assignment. The count down to the final battle would begin when Ahura-Mazda was incarnated in a human infant born birthed by a virgin. He would grow up and lead the righteous against the evil doers of Ahriman and be triumphant in the end.

That is why Judeo-Christianity is such a heresy. Zoroastrianism is much closer to Christianity, although of course not exact, than is modern day Talmudic Jewry! So in answer to the question they saw in Jesus the birth of Ahura-Mazda, the Aryan messiah.

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