Sunday, November 30, 2014


Revelation chapter 13, verses 6 & 7

The Beast has great economic power. Some of the richest banking houses in the world are Jewish. An example would be the House of Rothschild in Europe, whose name means Red Shield. There is also Goldman Sacs, the number one donor to the Obama campaign, and Kuhn, Loeb & Company, founded by Abraham Kuhn and Solomon Loeb. Kuhn & Loeb were notorious for being one of the financial backers of the Communist Revolution in Russia. Today Kuhn & Loeb have merged with Lehman Brothers and recently acquired the American Express company.

The verses seem to suggest a future economic system, maybe even a cashless one, dominated or originated by Jewish banking firms whereby all those who do not participate will not be able to find work or food, or buy and sale products. (And not doubt be termed anti-Semitic and subject to newly enacted hate crime laws mandating the death penalty)  This would be the ultimate banking system for not only do they get to foreclose on somebody, they also get to determine who can enter the market place and buy and sale, possibly through the control of loans and subsidies, to which both governments and individuals will be dependent upon. A globalist cartel of  Unbridled Capitalists at its worst, having the power to decide life and death over its subjects.


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