Sunday, December 21, 2014


Rev. 20: 8- After the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ the scriptures speak of Gog and Magog who will attack the holy city. Many theologians think Gog and Magog refers to Russia. They are wrong! God and Magog refer to the region of the world where a people known a Khazars converted to Judaism in 640 AD. Although this region is located in Southern Russia today it is imperative we realize the Khazars were not ethnic Russians. They are more closely related to the Turkic people. These people form the basis of modern Judaism today. They never had ancestors who lived in the Biblical Palestine. Today's Jews speak Yiddish, not Hebrew. These Yiddish speaking people are the one who spread out from the Khazarian Empire and settled parts of eastern Europe.Yiddish is a corruption of Hebrew mixed with words and phrases of Slavic origin, which, of course, denotes the area the Khazars originated from and the surrounding areas they settled.

It was these Khazarian converts to Judaism who convinced themselves, and eventually the rest of the world, including modern days Christians,  that they were the true Biblical Israelites descended from Jacob, and heirs to the promise, and thus God's chosen. It is these people whom modern day Judeo-Christian Churches proclaim as God's chosen.

It is indeed a bizarre situation when these Khazar converts to Judaism worship in temples called synagogues . Did you catch that? Syna-GOG-ue!  Even ultra-orthodox Jews themselves realize that the regathering of Israel takes place after the second coming of Christ, and not before, as a lot of latter day Judeo-Christian evangelists believe.

Genesis 49, verse 10- The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feat, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of people be. So here you have Judeo-Christian preachers waxing eloquent on the last days, including a day by day break down, complete with charts of what shall happen when, when they have not even understood Genesis yet!

All I can say is that the elect in Christ, those who were chosen before the creation of the world to incarnate into a certain bloodline, cannot, and will not, worship the beast like the rest of the world will, including many false "Christian" sects .

This concludes our end times study series!

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