Thursday, December 25, 2014


Certainly not December because shepherds do not keep watch over their sheep in the wintertime. The flock would have been indoors and stored for the winter, hence no angelic visitations to non-existent shepherds in fields, who would not have been there anyway in the winter months.

Actually this site has already figured out the month of his birth in a previous post based on Revelation 12.

And there appeared a great wonder in Heaven, a woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet. The meaning of the woman is twofold; she is both Mary and Israel. The woman in her Mary guise represents the virgin Mary. Now what astrological is represented by the virgin? Virgo! She is standing directly under the sign of Virgo on the astrological wheel. When is Virgo?  That gives us the month. The woman was clothed with the sun. So when is the sun directly in the middle of Virgo so that it could shine down on her and cover her completely? That will give us the exact date.

Any other clues? The moon was under her feet. What is opposite Virgo if Virgo is above her head what should be below her feet? Pieces, symbolized by the fish, and an early symbol of Christianity. Find when the moon was in Pieces and the sun in Virgo in the years  5 or 6 B.C. in Palestine and you have arrived at the date!

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