Sunday, November 23, 2014


Revelation 13:3- The beast would receive a mortal wound which would almost kill it but it would be miraculously restored to health (through supernatural malevolent influence)  and gain the respect and admiration of the entire world. This was fulfilled during World War II during what historians refer to as the Holocaust. The head was indeed wounded but is now healed and stronger than ever, much stronger than it was before, and now its jurisdiction extends over the entire world, not just in a few European countries.

Revelation 13:7- The beast would make war with the Saints. This was fulfilled in Russia and Eastern Europe, mainly due to the fact that the early Communist movement was heavily Jewish. Karl Marx was the son of a Jewish Rabbi and Lenin had Jewish ancestry on his father's side. Most of the leaders of the misnamed Russian Revolution were Jewish and it was Jewish banking firms that financed the revolution. (sort of like the banking firm Goldman Sacs was Obama's number one political donor) I need not tell you the Communist movement all but eliminated Christianity in many parts of the world. The beast would have power over all nations and change ideologies like a snake sheds his skin. The beast has now discarded Communism and embraced globalism.Organized Jewry can be found in most of the nations of the world and their influence is felt even in those nations that they do not inhabit in great numbers.

Revelation  13:5- An image of the beast would be seen and the image would speak great blasphemies. If you will examine (and did not Paul tell Timothy to study to show thyself approved?) who writes and produces most of the television shows and major movies you will find that they are overwhelming Jewish. This is no longer a secret. Jews even boast of it. (like Ben Stein recently did in a major newspaper column) The image refers to television and cinema and what is television and cinema but a reflection of the beast, and its ideology? One cannot even watch a TV show now without homosexuality and adulteration (And I mean adulteration in the Biblical sense of the word- miscegenation- mating or coupling out of kind- as in THOU SHALT NOT ADULTERATE- the 7th Commandment and seven is a a sacred number) It was homosexuality and lusting after strange flesh (Out of kind flesh) that brought about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah be continued

PS: Zechariah 12:6 In that day I will make the governors of Judah like a hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf; and they shall devour all the people round about, on the right hand and on the left; and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place, even in Jerusalem

Judah= Germany
Governors= Adolf Hitler and the his fellow National Socialists
Heath of fire= swastika, a symbol of light, fire, and the sun
On the right and on the left- Communist and Plutocratic Capitalist nations
Devour the people= Blitzkrieg warfare
Wood- other European nations incited to warfare by the beast
Jerusalem inhabited- Balfour Declaration, Israel reestablished by Khazar descended Jews after the "Governor" is defeated, ushering in the end times and the resurrection of the beast after the head wound dealt it by the "governor."

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