Sunday, November 9, 2014


And there appeared a great wonder in the Heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet

The woman is, of course, Mary the other of Jesus & the woman Israel. This verse has a double meaning not all can see. What is this verse trying to tell us? Does it have a deeper , hidden meaning like many Biblical verses do? Here is one explanation.

The zodiac sign of Virgo is the virgin. Jesus was born of the virgin Mary. When is Virgo on the astrological calender?  August 23- September 22. When is the sun completely in Virgo which would completely cover the virgin? That would be the halfway mark sometime around September the 7th. The woman was about to give birth while covered by the sun. Are they trying to tell us Jesus was born on or about September 7th? Almost all scholars agree he was not born December 25th  as shepherds do not keep watch over the flock in the middle of winter.

The moon was under her feet. Opposite Virgo on the Zodiac wheel is Pieces. The moon was in Pisces. So if we can find a date close to the actual year Jesus was born , which was not 1 AD as  King Herod the Great died in 4 B.C.(And he was the King that ordered all babies 2 years old and under killed in order to wipe out the Christ child so if Christ was born in 1 AD the Biblical timeline does not add up.) So possibly 5 or 6 B.C. To be safe start with 10 B.C and work till 4 B.C and see when the moon was in Pisces while the sun was in Virgo on those years.

Has John given us a code in Revelations to figure out the actual date? What is the admonition of Revelations? Let he who has wisdom....this applies not only with trying to figure out the number of the beast but to the entire chapter.

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