Sunday, November 16, 2014


We hear a great deal of talk today about the end times.The Bible does speak of an unholy trinity that shall arise at the conclusion of human history. This unholy trinity consists of the Anti-Christ, the Beast, and the False Prophet. I believe all of these three elements refer to a governmental system and an individual person.

The Anti-Christ refers to its humanistic elements, the False Prophet to its religious elements, and the Beast to its political and economic elements. Just who and what is the Anti-Christ? Some have said it was the Roman emperor Nero, others claim it refers to the Papacy, or Adolf Hitler, or even Henry Kissinger, or Barrack Obama.

Whoever or whatever it was would have great power and be worshiped by people who would actually believe they were doing God's will! It is my theory that the Beast is none other than certain sections of organized Jewry. Let us examine scripture and see if organized Jewry can indeed be identified as the anti-Christ.

First of all what is the Anti-Christ according to the Bible? (Read I John 2:18, I John 2:22, I John 4:3, & II John verse 7) This is the only part of the Bible that uses the term "Anti-Christ" and it defines Anti-Christ as anybody who does not believe that Jesus came into the flesh as the divine son of God. This would include Jews and Muslims as well as atheists and agnostics. Secularism in other words as well as hostile anti-Christian religions. So why single organized Jewry out as the Anti-Christ?  Mainly because the rest of the scriptures refer to Jews and can be understand only if one is aware of the massive Jewish influence in history and Western culture, especially since the end of World War II. Thus the verse does not refer to a Gnostic sect that denied Jesus was a physical flesh and blood being like some theologians believe. This is referring to the end times not heretical sects in early Christianity. be continued

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