Sunday, January 25, 2015

1 Corinthians 15:40 Part III

Now in consequence of being deprived of a body, and knowing firsthand the carnal joys that a flesh and blood body can give, it is the Nephilem, and usually not always fallen angels, that are predominant in possessing human beings. In other words what is referred to as a demonic possession of a human being is in reality disembodied spirit of a Nephilem  trying to find a human host and relive carnal experiences and human emotion. However, having their bodies destroyed in the flood has given them a pathological hatred of God, in addition to whatever DNA they obtained from their fallen angel ancestors.

Demons, or fallen angels, have the ability to shape shift and form bodies identical to humans so they may walk among us undetected. They need not possess people in order to interact with humanity as is commonly believed. The Nephilem, also called restless or evil spirits in the scriptures, do not have this ability. They are only half human and while their power is greater than that of regular humans, they were not immortal and  their bodies was destroyed in the biblical flood of Noah.  This also explains why a possessed person gains super strength and  paranormal powers, such as clairvoyance, or levitation, as these were powers the Nephilem had they inherited from their fallen angelic fathers , which, along with their enhanced sized and superhuman strength, easily allowed them to dominate humanity and corrupt the whole region.

In time, in the absence of any fresh infusions of fallen angelic genes, these Nephilem would have mated with humans and each generation would be slightly smaller than the one before until eventually they achieved normal human size. We can also expect a weakening of their psychic powers until a generation was born that still contained traces of fallen angelic DNA but was reflected as no more than an aversion to morality, Godly behavior, and divine commandments. Such a  lineage would have be characterized by a hostility towards Biblical precepts, especially as regards Christianity and Christians.

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