Sunday, February 1, 2015

1 Corinthians 15: 40 Part IV

In spite, however, of their reversion back to to the human means as regards size they would still carry stands of Nephilem DNA in their genetic structure.  This is the essence of Genesis 3:15 and if it was more prevalent and horrific in the Antediluvian world then rest assured as we enter the latter days this DNA will activate once more and they will emerge from a period of dormancy to assume a role the world stage once more.

And then will the veil be removed and all will be revealed as the serpent's seed will no longer be hidden and once more becomes the prime advocate for the destruction of Adamkind and Christendom and the ushering in of global government, just like in the tower of Babel.

Realize that all matter is basically energy. That which appears to be solid is actually composed of atoms that vibrate at a different rate. Heaven and Hell , and all the dimensions between, are not up in the clouds, or in the center of the Earth, but are here with us now, but invisible to our senses because they vibrate at a different rate.  We do not sense them just as we cannot listen to all the radio frequencies on our radio at the same time. We must leave other frequencies behind and tune into new frequencies. But just as stations close together also bleed over once in a while, so also do dimensions close to the mortal realm.

Likewise our eyes can see only a small part of the electro-magnetic spectrum, that which is called the visible range, unlike birds and some insects that can see into the ultra violent range that we cannot. We can see light, but not X-rays or Gamma rays, which vibrate at a frequency beyond human vision.

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