Sunday, January 18, 2015

1 Corinthians 15:40 (part 2)

These hybrid beings were a direct violation of the law of kind after kind given in the book of Genesis. In reviewing ancient sources it appears these children were born as normal sized infants. However, once they were born their growth rate was phenomenal, far exceeding normal human growth rates. According to Genesis these beings were known for their size.  They were also addicted to sexual lusts and black magic, as well as warfare. They may have been of a vampiric  or cannibalistic nature as the Bible also makes clear they devoured their neighbors. Perhaps human blood to them had some kind of narcotic affect.They were not vampires, of course, in that those who they drunk of did not turn into vampires, but  the idea of blood drinking beings of supernatural power and strength is as old as man and quite possibly had its origin among the behavior of the Nephilem. This is why the Bible forbids the consumption of blood because that is what the Nephilem did.

God sent the flood to wipe out these malevolent half-breed beings, but it appears a small remnant may have survived the flood which give credence to the Christian Identity belief in as much they they have tried to point out that Noah's flood was not global in nature. The world , or region, known to them were infested with the Nephilem and it was that region that as wiped out. One might remember the Bible makes a curious  statement that one of the reasons Noah was chosen was because he was pure in his genealogies. That means no Nephilem had infiltrated and polluted his racial stock. (Genesis 6:9)

Eventually after the infestation had been wiped out the angels who mated with human females were sent to a region of Hell known as Tartarus and confined with chains of darkness.  (II Peter Chapter 2 verses 4-6) These angels were not killed by the flood because they are immortal beings, their half-breed human offspring were not. They did not lose their immortality , or their power, when they fell from Heaven.

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