Monday, January 12, 2015

1 Corinthians 15:40

The apostle Paul tell us there are bodies celestial and bodies terrestrial. Of course, celestial bodies refer to those of the angelic kind which encompassed both the traditional and fallen varieties. Despite what modern day Judeo-Christianity might believe there is nothing in scriptures to suggest that the devil, and his cohorts, became hideous in appearance, in addition to losing their supernatural powers, when they fell from Heaven.

There are indeed bodies celestial, both of the angelic and demonic variety, of the same substance and abilities, but of a vastly different nature and temperament. They are also flesh and blood terrestrial bodies of the human variety.

However, there is a third kind of body the Bible speaks of which is an unnatural combination of the two having features of both, but never partaking fully of the nature of either. These are what the Bible terms the Nephilem, beings born of human females fathered by fallen angels. (Genesis 6:40) The fact they are called Sons of God does not imply they are good and holy, although they were created as such, but became corrupted and evil. They may have been some of the same Sons of Gods who in Job 38:7 sang for joy when the earth was created. If so, then their sin is even more grievous because they have witnessed God's power and majesty first hand, not to mention the beauty and glory of Heaven.

(To be continued)

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