Revelation chapter 13, verses 6 & 7
The Beast has great economic power. Some of the richest banking houses in the world are Jewish. An example would be the House of Rothschild in Europe, whose name means Red Shield. There is also Goldman Sacs, the number one donor to the Obama campaign, and Kuhn, Loeb & Company, founded by Abraham Kuhn and Solomon Loeb. Kuhn & Loeb were notorious for being one of the financial backers of the Communist Revolution in Russia. Today Kuhn & Loeb have merged with Lehman Brothers and recently acquired the American Express company.
The verses seem to suggest a future economic system, maybe even a cashless one, dominated or originated by Jewish banking firms whereby all those who do not participate will not be able to find work or food, or buy and sale products. (And not doubt be termed anti-Semitic and subject to newly enacted hate crime laws mandating the death penalty) This would be the ultimate banking system for not only do they get to foreclose on somebody, they also get to determine who can enter the market place and buy and sale, possibly through the control of loans and subsidies, to which both governments and individuals will be dependent upon. A globalist cartel of Unbridled Capitalists at its worst, having the power to decide life and death over its subjects.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Revelation 13:3- The beast would receive a mortal wound which would almost kill it but it would be miraculously restored to health (through supernatural malevolent influence) and gain the respect and admiration of the entire world. This was fulfilled during World War II during what historians refer to as the Holocaust. The head was indeed wounded but is now healed and stronger than ever, much stronger than it was before, and now its jurisdiction extends over the entire world, not just in a few European countries.
Revelation 13:7- The beast would make war with the Saints. This was fulfilled in Russia and Eastern Europe, mainly due to the fact that the early Communist movement was heavily Jewish. Karl Marx was the son of a Jewish Rabbi and Lenin had Jewish ancestry on his father's side. Most of the leaders of the misnamed Russian Revolution were Jewish and it was Jewish banking firms that financed the revolution. (sort of like the banking firm Goldman Sacs was Obama's number one political donor) I need not tell you the Communist movement all but eliminated Christianity in many parts of the world. The beast would have power over all nations and change ideologies like a snake sheds his skin. The beast has now discarded Communism and embraced globalism.Organized Jewry can be found in most of the nations of the world and their influence is felt even in those nations that they do not inhabit in great numbers.
Revelation 13:5- An image of the beast would be seen and the image would speak great blasphemies. If you will examine (and did not Paul tell Timothy to study to show thyself approved?) who writes and produces most of the television shows and major movies you will find that they are overwhelming Jewish. This is no longer a secret. Jews even boast of it. (like Ben Stein recently did in a major newspaper column) The image refers to television and cinema and what is television and cinema but a reflection of the beast, and its ideology? One cannot even watch a TV show now without homosexuality and adulteration (And I mean adulteration in the Biblical sense of the word- miscegenation- mating or coupling out of kind- as in THOU SHALT NOT ADULTERATE- the 7th Commandment and seven is a a sacred number) It was homosexuality and lusting after strange flesh (Out of kind flesh) that brought about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah be continued
PS: Zechariah 12:6 In that day I will make the governors of Judah like a hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf; and they shall devour all the people round about, on the right hand and on the left; and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place, even in Jerusalem
Judah= Germany
Governors= Adolf Hitler and the his fellow National Socialists
Heath of fire= swastika, a symbol of light, fire, and the sun
On the right and on the left- Communist and Plutocratic Capitalist nations
Devour the people= Blitzkrieg warfare
Wood- other European nations incited to warfare by the beast
Jerusalem inhabited- Balfour Declaration, Israel reestablished by Khazar descended Jews after the "Governor" is defeated, ushering in the end times and the resurrection of the beast after the head wound dealt it by the "governor."
Revelation 13:7- The beast would make war with the Saints. This was fulfilled in Russia and Eastern Europe, mainly due to the fact that the early Communist movement was heavily Jewish. Karl Marx was the son of a Jewish Rabbi and Lenin had Jewish ancestry on his father's side. Most of the leaders of the misnamed Russian Revolution were Jewish and it was Jewish banking firms that financed the revolution. (sort of like the banking firm Goldman Sacs was Obama's number one political donor) I need not tell you the Communist movement all but eliminated Christianity in many parts of the world. The beast would have power over all nations and change ideologies like a snake sheds his skin. The beast has now discarded Communism and embraced globalism.Organized Jewry can be found in most of the nations of the world and their influence is felt even in those nations that they do not inhabit in great numbers.
Revelation 13:5- An image of the beast would be seen and the image would speak great blasphemies. If you will examine (and did not Paul tell Timothy to study to show thyself approved?) who writes and produces most of the television shows and major movies you will find that they are overwhelming Jewish. This is no longer a secret. Jews even boast of it. (like Ben Stein recently did in a major newspaper column) The image refers to television and cinema and what is television and cinema but a reflection of the beast, and its ideology? One cannot even watch a TV show now without homosexuality and adulteration (And I mean adulteration in the Biblical sense of the word- miscegenation- mating or coupling out of kind- as in THOU SHALT NOT ADULTERATE- the 7th Commandment and seven is a a sacred number) It was homosexuality and lusting after strange flesh (Out of kind flesh) that brought about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah be continued
PS: Zechariah 12:6 In that day I will make the governors of Judah like a hearth of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire in a sheaf; and they shall devour all the people round about, on the right hand and on the left; and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place, even in Jerusalem
Judah= Germany
Governors= Adolf Hitler and the his fellow National Socialists
Heath of fire= swastika, a symbol of light, fire, and the sun
On the right and on the left- Communist and Plutocratic Capitalist nations
Devour the people= Blitzkrieg warfare
Wood- other European nations incited to warfare by the beast
Jerusalem inhabited- Balfour Declaration, Israel reestablished by Khazar descended Jews after the "Governor" is defeated, ushering in the end times and the resurrection of the beast after the head wound dealt it by the "governor."
Sunday, November 16, 2014
We hear a great deal of talk today about the end times.The Bible does speak of an unholy trinity that shall arise at the conclusion of human history. This unholy trinity consists of the Anti-Christ, the Beast, and the False Prophet. I believe all of these three elements refer to a governmental system and an individual person.
The Anti-Christ refers to its humanistic elements, the False Prophet to its religious elements, and the Beast to its political and economic elements. Just who and what is the Anti-Christ? Some have said it was the Roman emperor Nero, others claim it refers to the Papacy, or Adolf Hitler, or even Henry Kissinger, or Barrack Obama.
Whoever or whatever it was would have great power and be worshiped by people who would actually believe they were doing God's will! It is my theory that the Beast is none other than certain sections of organized Jewry. Let us examine scripture and see if organized Jewry can indeed be identified as the anti-Christ.
First of all what is the Anti-Christ according to the Bible? (Read I John 2:18, I John 2:22, I John 4:3, & II John verse 7) This is the only part of the Bible that uses the term "Anti-Christ" and it defines Anti-Christ as anybody who does not believe that Jesus came into the flesh as the divine son of God. This would include Jews and Muslims as well as atheists and agnostics. Secularism in other words as well as hostile anti-Christian religions. So why single organized Jewry out as the Anti-Christ? Mainly because the rest of the scriptures refer to Jews and can be understand only if one is aware of the massive Jewish influence in history and Western culture, especially since the end of World War II. Thus the verse does not refer to a Gnostic sect that denied Jesus was a physical flesh and blood being like some theologians believe. This is referring to the end times not heretical sects in early Christianity. be continued
The Anti-Christ refers to its humanistic elements, the False Prophet to its religious elements, and the Beast to its political and economic elements. Just who and what is the Anti-Christ? Some have said it was the Roman emperor Nero, others claim it refers to the Papacy, or Adolf Hitler, or even Henry Kissinger, or Barrack Obama.
Whoever or whatever it was would have great power and be worshiped by people who would actually believe they were doing God's will! It is my theory that the Beast is none other than certain sections of organized Jewry. Let us examine scripture and see if organized Jewry can indeed be identified as the anti-Christ.
First of all what is the Anti-Christ according to the Bible? (Read I John 2:18, I John 2:22, I John 4:3, & II John verse 7) This is the only part of the Bible that uses the term "Anti-Christ" and it defines Anti-Christ as anybody who does not believe that Jesus came into the flesh as the divine son of God. This would include Jews and Muslims as well as atheists and agnostics. Secularism in other words as well as hostile anti-Christian religions. So why single organized Jewry out as the Anti-Christ? Mainly because the rest of the scriptures refer to Jews and can be understand only if one is aware of the massive Jewish influence in history and Western culture, especially since the end of World War II. Thus the verse does not refer to a Gnostic sect that denied Jesus was a physical flesh and blood being like some theologians believe. This is referring to the end times not heretical sects in early Christianity. be continued
Sunday, November 9, 2014
And there appeared a great wonder in the Heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet
The woman is, of course, Mary the other of Jesus & the woman Israel. This verse has a double meaning not all can see. What is this verse trying to tell us? Does it have a deeper , hidden meaning like many Biblical verses do? Here is one explanation.
The zodiac sign of Virgo is the virgin. Jesus was born of the virgin Mary. When is Virgo on the astrological calender? August 23- September 22. When is the sun completely in Virgo which would completely cover the virgin? That would be the halfway mark sometime around September the 7th. The woman was about to give birth while covered by the sun. Are they trying to tell us Jesus was born on or about September 7th? Almost all scholars agree he was not born December 25th as shepherds do not keep watch over the flock in the middle of winter.
The moon was under her feet. Opposite Virgo on the Zodiac wheel is Pieces. The moon was in Pisces. So if we can find a date close to the actual year Jesus was born , which was not 1 AD as King Herod the Great died in 4 B.C.(And he was the King that ordered all babies 2 years old and under killed in order to wipe out the Christ child so if Christ was born in 1 AD the Biblical timeline does not add up.) So possibly 5 or 6 B.C. To be safe start with 10 B.C and work till 4 B.C and see when the moon was in Pisces while the sun was in Virgo on those years.
Has John given us a code in Revelations to figure out the actual date? What is the admonition of Revelations? Let he who has wisdom....this applies not only with trying to figure out the number of the beast but to the entire chapter.
The woman is, of course, Mary the other of Jesus & the woman Israel. This verse has a double meaning not all can see. What is this verse trying to tell us? Does it have a deeper , hidden meaning like many Biblical verses do? Here is one explanation.
The zodiac sign of Virgo is the virgin. Jesus was born of the virgin Mary. When is Virgo on the astrological calender? August 23- September 22. When is the sun completely in Virgo which would completely cover the virgin? That would be the halfway mark sometime around September the 7th. The woman was about to give birth while covered by the sun. Are they trying to tell us Jesus was born on or about September 7th? Almost all scholars agree he was not born December 25th as shepherds do not keep watch over the flock in the middle of winter.
The moon was under her feet. Opposite Virgo on the Zodiac wheel is Pieces. The moon was in Pisces. So if we can find a date close to the actual year Jesus was born , which was not 1 AD as King Herod the Great died in 4 B.C.(And he was the King that ordered all babies 2 years old and under killed in order to wipe out the Christ child so if Christ was born in 1 AD the Biblical timeline does not add up.) So possibly 5 or 6 B.C. To be safe start with 10 B.C and work till 4 B.C and see when the moon was in Pisces while the sun was in Virgo on those years.
Has John given us a code in Revelations to figure out the actual date? What is the admonition of Revelations? Let he who has wisdom....this applies not only with trying to figure out the number of the beast but to the entire chapter.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: Genesis 1:26
Notice that God is plural. (in OUR image, after OUR likeness) So who are we speaking of ? Is there now more than one God? No! God is a triune God. The plural sense of the words refers to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, the divine 3 in 1.
One must understand that the 3 in 1 pattern is written in the very fabric of the universe itself. Examples include water, which is hydrogen, hydrogen,and oxygen. The atomic structure consists of a nucleus ,proton, and electron. What is fire but heat, air, and fuel? Remove any one of these three and the fire goes out.One can go on and on examining item by item in the quest to discover the God code. As with the universe, so with man!
We are also made in a 3 in 1 pattern. The Bible uses the term body, soul, and spirit but this is often confusing to many in Christendom as there is a tendency to confuse spirit and soul when they re not the same. Therefore I will rename them as physical, astral, an spiritual.
Physical- the flesh and blood part of the body.
Astral- the link between the physical and our spirit. Being a link it is an intermediate state between the two having both spiritual and physical qualities.Upon death the astral body separates from the physical as when the silver cord snaps. The book of Ecclesiastes speaks of a silver cord uniting both physical and astral. The astral body looks just like the physical body except for the fact it is semi-spiritual and can pass through solid objects and levitate and what not.If you tried to touch it your hands would go right through it. It looks solid but it not. Mystics speak of an out of body experience in which the astral body temporarily leaves the physical body and travels into more esoteric dimensions. However, a curious things happens the longer the astral is disconnected from the physical. The astral body begins to fade out and becomes more transparent or misty until eventually it evaporates completely and frees the spirit. (what the Bible calls the soul. Thus we see the astral is the container of the soul.) That explains why some ghosts appear as solid flesh and blood people and others appear as transparent or misty shapes.The ghost is the astral body in various stages of evaporation.It it not the soul (spirit) you are seeing,it is the astral.
The Bible does not refer to out of body experiences in that terminology but when it speaks of being in the spirit that is exactly what it means, the astral body is temporarily separated from the physical and is elsewhere. John was in the spirit on the Lord's day on the island of Patmos receiving visions of what became the book of Revelations.
I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in the body, I cannot tell, : God knoweth;) such an one caught up to the third heaven. II Corinthians , Chapter 12, verse 2.
Or ever the silver cord be loosed...Ecclesiastes Chapter 12, verse 6
The soul is of course the immoral part as neither the astral or the physical is immortal. However a soul without a astral and physical body is incomplete and that is why in the final resurrection God connects the soul back into the astral and back into the physical and mortality then puts on immortality, corruption put on incorruption, as the complete body is now glorified and made immortal. Heaven is not a abode of wispy spirits but of perfected and immortal humanity existing in their now perfect and glorified 3 in 1 bodies only this time the astral body(the spirit) is more powerful than the physical body (the flesh) and thus we become like angels with all the supernatural powers angels have in our new heavenly bodies.
The soul is shapeless and invisible, often depicted as orbs of light or disembodied intelligence with energy like proprieties This is the temporary state it will assume when the astral body evaporates and it is freed, but will not be reunited until its reformation with its original flesh and blood body at the resurrection.
Some speculate that the astral body usually goes immediately into the afterlife, Heaven or Hell, but does not reunite with the physical until judgement day. Of course, those who are alive and remain(note the word remain) at the time of Christ's Second Coming will be instantly transformed in the blink of an eye without having gone through a death phrase.The only generation of Christians not to have to undergo death This is what mainstream Christianity mistakenly calls the rapture but it is a transformation. Besides how can anybody (meaning Christians) remain at the Second Coming if, as mainstream Christianity teaches, they have all been raptured off to Heaven 3 and one -half years before the Second Coming?
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