Sunday, October 19, 2014


Revelations 12:17

And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed,which kept the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Notice that the woman's seed are in the minority.That is what the word remnant implies, that they were once much more numerous but are dying out. They are dying out or are in danger of extinction due to the dragon's warfare upon them. The woman has seed, physical seed, the devil is trying to exterminate. But also notice not all the woman's seed keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. So we are looking at a minority of a minority! Thus we see both genetic traits and spiritual traits constitute the elect,the perfect union of spirit and blood. Each one is incomplete in itself. Seed of the woman and the faith of keeping God's commandments (that is to say Biblical Law) and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Notice that the devil does not go after her entire seed but only those who live by Biblical law (And know their identity) and keep the testimony of Jesus Christ. The rest of her seed, the ones living in apostasy, he leaves alone.This would include most of mainstream Christianity as it has done away with, or neglected, God's law.

Mainstream Christianity says the law was done away with in Christ and that race and genetics are not only unimportant, but possibly even evil, as all that matters is spirit.The elect is therefore a racial grouping that is living by the law and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Now let us notice how the devil tried to kill the woman and her seed.

 Revelation 12:15-And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might caused her to be carried away by the flood.

The woman is both singular (as in Mary) and plural as in Israel. When Christ was born Herod tried to wipe out all babies two years old and under and Mary and Joseph had to flee in order to protect the Christ child. In these latter days the serpent, which is also the dragon, tries to wipe out the remnant of her seed with a flood of water from his mouth. The meaning of this is twofold; the fact that water comes out of his mouth refers to a sustained campaign of defamation and incitement to murder by the serpent upon the elect, that is to say the covenant people who both keep the law and testimony of Jesus Christ. That can only mean in these latter days the serpent's minions has control of the media. Waters also represent a surging sea of unredeamed humanity and foreign stock. In this case it means that the seed of the woman, and the nations in which they reside, are being flooded with alien influences and peoples in an attempt outnumber the seed of the woman, to fill the nations in which her seed resides with hostile and alien elements, so that they can outbreed her and destroy her (True Israel) and her seed. In other words unlimited immigration like the hostile Muslim immigration the nations of Europe are experiencing, as well as their descendants around the world (Like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States)

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