Sunday, October 26, 2014


One of the qualifications for Sainthood in the Roman Catholic Church must be that there is supernatural evidence, in other words evidence of the divine, in the form of miracles during or after that person's life. One miracle often sited as evidence of holiness in that the body of the deceased does not decay and shows no evidence of decay. The body should appear is if it had just died, there should be no odor, and the eyes must not be glazed over, and the skin must remain supple and the body must not be stiff.

If evidence of a pleasant smell is present, especially a scent of roses, that is taken as additional evidence that the person was indeed a saint in the eyes of God, and should be made a saint in the eyes of the Church. Keep that in mind as we relate the following:

On August 21, 1992 an event occurred in Idaho known as the shootout at Ruby Ridge. It involved a white separatist named Randy Weaver and his wife, Vicki, who was a devout follower of the Christian Identity faith. Mrs. Weaver was shot in the head by an FBI shooter with a.308 while holding an infant.For over a week her body was wrapped in a blanket and hidden under a kitchen table as the standoff continued. Remember that this was summer and the cabin  the family was holed up in had no air condition. Bo Gritz, a friend of Randy Weaver and a former Green Beret, reports that when the body was retrieved after Randy Weaver surrendered, which was eight days after her death, that the body was not corrupted. Even the blood on the floor that seeped through the blankets she was wrapped in was still fresh and red. Her eyes were clear, her body was soft and supple, and she had no signs of decomposition or decay. There was no odor about her save for a scent that smelled identical to fresh roses.

Bear in mind that in Biblical numerology 8 is the number of salvation after a cataclysmic event as there were eight people in Noah's Ark and Vicki Weaver's body was retrieved on the eighth day with no signs of decomposition, odor, or blood coagulation.It is impossible she was alive because the head shot came through the face and took a portion of her skull when it exited with such severity it embedded in her son Kevin's arm, rib cage, and lungs.(Who was directly behind her in the cabin as she was shot while standing on the porch)

Also remember that Adam was made after the 7th day ,which would be the eighth day,as the creation of man and woman took place before the creation of Adam and Eve. These are not the same events. The Bible does not have its chronology mixed up. It is man who has mixed up the creations and chronology.

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