Sunday, October 12, 2014


The first earth age ended with the Luciferian rebellion in which he was cast out and drew one third of the angels with him. Because of his rebellion the earth became desolate and chaotic. God ended that first age with a flood that covered the entire globe. This was not Noah's flood because that took place in the second earth age. I should point it is debated by many Biblical scholars as to whether the flood of Noah was worldwide in scope of just effected the world known to Noah. All cultures have traditions of a worldwide flood but the discrepancy is that not all the dates match up to  the time period of Noah's flood.

Let us remember in Luke chapter two, verse one, it speaks of a decree that went out from Augustus Caesar that all the world should be counted and taxed. And yet no one would conclude that by that verse Caesar's tax would have involved North and South America, as well as Australia, because those continents also constitute part of the world. Thus we can conclude the world referred to by Luke was the world known to them, their  cultural sphere.

Sp perhaps a more concise understanding is as follows: In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. (The First Earth Age) And the earth became (Not was but became!)chaotic and desolate (Because of the Luciferian Rebellion)  and water covered the face of the earth. (Because of the global flood God sent to destroy the first world due to its corruption by the Luciferian Rebellion) And at this point the spirit of God begins moving upon the face of the deep, not creating the world, but reforming it!

God does everything in three. It is a sacred number and the hidden God Code he has imprinted on the universe. There are three earth ages and  Adam was made in the Triune image of God having body, soul, and spirit. There are also three destructions of various earth eras, the destruction of the first age by a global flood, that of Noah by a smaller flood, and that of the second age by means of fire which is yet to come. The destruction by fire will be the final judgement before the earth is transformed once more into its pristine celestial state as it was in the first age and in the garden of Eden. (That's three transformations)  The third earth age will be the final age, an eternal age. This time, however, perfection shall not end and iniquity shall not be found as Satan, and his minions, will be bound and finally defeated.

In this second earth age, which is the present age, we children of the kingdom and heirs of the covenant will incarnate in flesh and blood bodies as all of our souls were created in the first age.  All memory of this pre-mortal existence will be removed by God as soon as we incarnate into flesh bodies. Our test in this age is whether we can live by faith. It is a matter of testing to ensure loyalty  so there will never be another rebellion in Heaven. Our job is to prove ourselves in this age. Once we shed our mortal coil  all our memories of our pre-mortal existence come rushing back as soon as we leave the body. Woe to those who chose the path of darkness and evil while in flesh bodies. Their torment will be that much more acute because they will realize what they have given up by their own actions. They will be blotted out of the book of life and lose their celestial citizenship which can never be regained. How joyous will be those who led a righteous life while in the flesh and upon death regain their knowledge and are readmitted once more to the kingdom with increased power,status, and responsibility, to dwell in the glory of the Lord forever.

Further Study:
Jeremiah Chapter 4 , Verse 23-26 (The First Earth Age)
Psalm 104, Verses 5-6
2 Peter , Chapter 3, verses 4-7

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