Friday, October 3, 2014


We believe although all religions have a sliver of truth, some religions have more than others, but no single religion or Christian denomination has all the truth. We do not believe in multiple paths to God and boldly proclaim that there is no salvation outside of Jesus Christ.

Unfortunately,  we believe that mainstream Christianity has either neglected, or is in total ignorance of, many of the true concepts that makes the Bible more understandable. Mainstream Christianity is often unaware of, or deliberately downplays, the more esoteric parts of Christianity in that some Biblical verses have a deeper meaning intended only for the elect.  We believe many truths were sealed up until the latter days and only now are slowly being revealed to God's elect.

True Christianity has always been in the minority among all religions and even among so called mainstream Christianity.

We believe in three earth ages as well as premortal existence and the doctrine of the elect and reprobate, the wheat and the tares, and in spiritual and physical warfare between the children of the kingdom and the children of darkness, the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. Indeed Genesis 3:15 is the esoteric key to understanding the rest of the Bible and the end times. I am always amazed by these television preachers who have elaborate charts telling just how the world will end, event by event, as they explain Revelations verse by verse, when it is obvious they haven't even understood Genesis yet!

We believe in both a literal anti-Christ as an end-time figure and numerous minor anti-Christs who will help him come to power.The term anti-Christ is both singular and plural in the Bible.

We believe in progressive revelation in that certain concepts were purposely hidden from earlier generations of Christendom, although often hinted at for he who has eyes to see and ears to hear. These hidden revelations will come fourth in the fullness of time as we approach the latter days. One of these truths concerns the identity of the lost tribes as described in Roman 11:25 For I would not...that you should be ignorant of this mystery...that blindness in part has happened to Israel.

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