Sunday, October 26, 2014


One of the qualifications for Sainthood in the Roman Catholic Church must be that there is supernatural evidence, in other words evidence of the divine, in the form of miracles during or after that person's life. One miracle often sited as evidence of holiness in that the body of the deceased does not decay and shows no evidence of decay. The body should appear is if it had just died, there should be no odor, and the eyes must not be glazed over, and the skin must remain supple and the body must not be stiff.

If evidence of a pleasant smell is present, especially a scent of roses, that is taken as additional evidence that the person was indeed a saint in the eyes of God, and should be made a saint in the eyes of the Church. Keep that in mind as we relate the following:

On August 21, 1992 an event occurred in Idaho known as the shootout at Ruby Ridge. It involved a white separatist named Randy Weaver and his wife, Vicki, who was a devout follower of the Christian Identity faith. Mrs. Weaver was shot in the head by an FBI shooter with a.308 while holding an infant.For over a week her body was wrapped in a blanket and hidden under a kitchen table as the standoff continued. Remember that this was summer and the cabin  the family was holed up in had no air condition. Bo Gritz, a friend of Randy Weaver and a former Green Beret, reports that when the body was retrieved after Randy Weaver surrendered, which was eight days after her death, that the body was not corrupted. Even the blood on the floor that seeped through the blankets she was wrapped in was still fresh and red. Her eyes were clear, her body was soft and supple, and she had no signs of decomposition or decay. There was no odor about her save for a scent that smelled identical to fresh roses.

Bear in mind that in Biblical numerology 8 is the number of salvation after a cataclysmic event as there were eight people in Noah's Ark and Vicki Weaver's body was retrieved on the eighth day with no signs of decomposition, odor, or blood coagulation.It is impossible she was alive because the head shot came through the face and took a portion of her skull when it exited with such severity it embedded in her son Kevin's arm, rib cage, and lungs.(Who was directly behind her in the cabin as she was shot while standing on the porch)

Also remember that Adam was made after the 7th day ,which would be the eighth day,as the creation of man and woman took place before the creation of Adam and Eve. These are not the same events. The Bible does not have its chronology mixed up. It is man who has mixed up the creations and chronology.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Revelations 12:17

And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed,which kept the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Notice that the woman's seed are in the minority.That is what the word remnant implies, that they were once much more numerous but are dying out. They are dying out or are in danger of extinction due to the dragon's warfare upon them. The woman has seed, physical seed, the devil is trying to exterminate. But also notice not all the woman's seed keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. So we are looking at a minority of a minority! Thus we see both genetic traits and spiritual traits constitute the elect,the perfect union of spirit and blood. Each one is incomplete in itself. Seed of the woman and the faith of keeping God's commandments (that is to say Biblical Law) and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Notice that the devil does not go after her entire seed but only those who live by Biblical law (And know their identity) and keep the testimony of Jesus Christ. The rest of her seed, the ones living in apostasy, he leaves alone.This would include most of mainstream Christianity as it has done away with, or neglected, God's law.

Mainstream Christianity says the law was done away with in Christ and that race and genetics are not only unimportant, but possibly even evil, as all that matters is spirit.The elect is therefore a racial grouping that is living by the law and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Now let us notice how the devil tried to kill the woman and her seed.

 Revelation 12:15-And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might caused her to be carried away by the flood.

The woman is both singular (as in Mary) and plural as in Israel. When Christ was born Herod tried to wipe out all babies two years old and under and Mary and Joseph had to flee in order to protect the Christ child. In these latter days the serpent, which is also the dragon, tries to wipe out the remnant of her seed with a flood of water from his mouth. The meaning of this is twofold; the fact that water comes out of his mouth refers to a sustained campaign of defamation and incitement to murder by the serpent upon the elect, that is to say the covenant people who both keep the law and testimony of Jesus Christ. That can only mean in these latter days the serpent's minions has control of the media. Waters also represent a surging sea of unredeamed humanity and foreign stock. In this case it means that the seed of the woman, and the nations in which they reside, are being flooded with alien influences and peoples in an attempt outnumber the seed of the woman, to fill the nations in which her seed resides with hostile and alien elements, so that they can outbreed her and destroy her (True Israel) and her seed. In other words unlimited immigration like the hostile Muslim immigration the nations of Europe are experiencing, as well as their descendants around the world (Like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States)

Sunday, October 12, 2014


The first earth age ended with the Luciferian rebellion in which he was cast out and drew one third of the angels with him. Because of his rebellion the earth became desolate and chaotic. God ended that first age with a flood that covered the entire globe. This was not Noah's flood because that took place in the second earth age. I should point it is debated by many Biblical scholars as to whether the flood of Noah was worldwide in scope of just effected the world known to Noah. All cultures have traditions of a worldwide flood but the discrepancy is that not all the dates match up to  the time period of Noah's flood.

Let us remember in Luke chapter two, verse one, it speaks of a decree that went out from Augustus Caesar that all the world should be counted and taxed. And yet no one would conclude that by that verse Caesar's tax would have involved North and South America, as well as Australia, because those continents also constitute part of the world. Thus we can conclude the world referred to by Luke was the world known to them, their  cultural sphere.

Sp perhaps a more concise understanding is as follows: In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. (The First Earth Age) And the earth became (Not was but became!)chaotic and desolate (Because of the Luciferian Rebellion)  and water covered the face of the earth. (Because of the global flood God sent to destroy the first world due to its corruption by the Luciferian Rebellion) And at this point the spirit of God begins moving upon the face of the deep, not creating the world, but reforming it!

God does everything in three. It is a sacred number and the hidden God Code he has imprinted on the universe. There are three earth ages and  Adam was made in the Triune image of God having body, soul, and spirit. There are also three destructions of various earth eras, the destruction of the first age by a global flood, that of Noah by a smaller flood, and that of the second age by means of fire which is yet to come. The destruction by fire will be the final judgement before the earth is transformed once more into its pristine celestial state as it was in the first age and in the garden of Eden. (That's three transformations)  The third earth age will be the final age, an eternal age. This time, however, perfection shall not end and iniquity shall not be found as Satan, and his minions, will be bound and finally defeated.

In this second earth age, which is the present age, we children of the kingdom and heirs of the covenant will incarnate in flesh and blood bodies as all of our souls were created in the first age.  All memory of this pre-mortal existence will be removed by God as soon as we incarnate into flesh bodies. Our test in this age is whether we can live by faith. It is a matter of testing to ensure loyalty  so there will never be another rebellion in Heaven. Our job is to prove ourselves in this age. Once we shed our mortal coil  all our memories of our pre-mortal existence come rushing back as soon as we leave the body. Woe to those who chose the path of darkness and evil while in flesh bodies. Their torment will be that much more acute because they will realize what they have given up by their own actions. They will be blotted out of the book of life and lose their celestial citizenship which can never be regained. How joyous will be those who led a righteous life while in the flesh and upon death regain their knowledge and are readmitted once more to the kingdom with increased power,status, and responsibility, to dwell in the glory of the Lord forever.

Further Study:
Jeremiah Chapter 4 , Verse 23-26 (The First Earth Age)
Psalm 104, Verses 5-6
2 Peter , Chapter 3, verses 4-7

Sunday, October 5, 2014


I'm always amazed at mainstream Christians who, because of a misunderstanding of Genesis, are ignorant of science and exist in a fantasy world whereby modern Christianity is contrary to science and vice-versa. I have had serious discussions with mainstream Christians, that is to say Judeo-Christians, also called Christian Zionists, who  believe the world is only 7000 years old, that dinosaurs never existed, and the idea of life elsewhere in the universe is heretical and that if UFOs really do exist they are not extra-terrestrial, but demonic, that earth is the only planet in the entire universe that has life, if that were not so God would have told us otherwise they claim, and that the earth and the universe have certainly not existed for billions of years! Where to began?

Christian Zionists remind me of the Inquisition whereby Giordano Bruno  was buried at the stake on February 17, 1600 for, among other things, suggesting that the stars in the sky were suns like our own, perhaps with planets of their own, some of which might actually have intelligent life. Today we see differently.

 With the advent of Near Death Experiences it may come to pass that science may finally prove the immortality of the soul.  Many scholars suggest that the brain is not the seat of consciousness but merely the receiver thereof. Quantum Physicists speculate  that not only may other inhabited worlds exist in the universe but also different dimensions. Consider our reality like a TV set containing many channels. Each channel is a different dimension in our own time-space, some of which have intelligent life, but said life not being aware of life on other channels (dimensions) and leading to the mistaken belief that there is only one reality. Perhaps Heaven, Sheol, and Hell, are but different dimensions in our own time-space continuum.

But if different dimensions exist, as well as other inhabited worlds, God is also their creator! This is a much more expansive and powerful God than humans, especially mainstream Christians, have envisioned thus far. If we examine Genesis Chapter 1, Verse 1 we see the creation of time-space-matter. " In the beginning (TIME) God created the Heavens (SPACE) and the Earth. (MATTER)
This is when the first earth age was created. It was when our souls were created because the spiritual creation preceded that of the material, or physical world. Our bodies are not flesh and bone at this point in time, nor are they orbs of light or semi-transparent like that of a ghost. There is a physical body but of a much finer and more esoteric material than that of our later human bodies.

Our souls existed in the presence of God in that first age. This is premortal existence. We were not angels, that was a different creation that took place also in the first age, but shared many similarities with them, although inferior in status. Angels were not designed to incarnate into physical bodies in the second earth age. This first earth age was an age of perfection in which Lucifer was still just and the Luciferian rebellion had not taken place. Earth existed in this age in a refined celestial state, but Eden and Adamkind did not. A lot of mysteries we are only now pondering over took place in this age as regards lost civilizations,dinosaurs, and monoliths. The earth's domain might have been under the jurisdiction of Lucifer back when he was still holy. Some theologians and Biblical scholars speculate that one of the factors in his later rebellion, besides his pride into wanting to be like the most high, whereby the created assumes equality with the creator, was his jealousy  of God's plan to create a more physical race via Adamkind in which the souls could incarnate and experience a more physical reality.He saw this as an attack on his abode and believed he was about to be replaced and dispossessed by Adam and his descendants. Of course he did not talk to God about this and explain his concerns, at this point he is jealous of God and wants to be God , so he merely brooded and let his anger and resentment build.

It was then sometimes during the planning of this implementation of God's plan that  Lucifer rebelled and took a third of the angels with him bringing an end to the first earth age. Thus there is a vast gap in time between verse 1 and verse 2 in Genesis, quite possibly even billions of years, before verse two commences with the beginning of the second earth age.

Friday, October 3, 2014

I, Pet Goat II by Heliofant


We believe although all religions have a sliver of truth, some religions have more than others, but no single religion or Christian denomination has all the truth. We do not believe in multiple paths to God and boldly proclaim that there is no salvation outside of Jesus Christ.

Unfortunately,  we believe that mainstream Christianity has either neglected, or is in total ignorance of, many of the true concepts that makes the Bible more understandable. Mainstream Christianity is often unaware of, or deliberately downplays, the more esoteric parts of Christianity in that some Biblical verses have a deeper meaning intended only for the elect.  We believe many truths were sealed up until the latter days and only now are slowly being revealed to God's elect.

True Christianity has always been in the minority among all religions and even among so called mainstream Christianity.

We believe in three earth ages as well as premortal existence and the doctrine of the elect and reprobate, the wheat and the tares, and in spiritual and physical warfare between the children of the kingdom and the children of darkness, the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. Indeed Genesis 3:15 is the esoteric key to understanding the rest of the Bible and the end times. I am always amazed by these television preachers who have elaborate charts telling just how the world will end, event by event, as they explain Revelations verse by verse, when it is obvious they haven't even understood Genesis yet!

We believe in both a literal anti-Christ as an end-time figure and numerous minor anti-Christs who will help him come to power.The term anti-Christ is both singular and plural in the Bible.

We believe in progressive revelation in that certain concepts were purposely hidden from earlier generations of Christendom, although often hinted at for he who has eyes to see and ears to hear. These hidden revelations will come fourth in the fullness of time as we approach the latter days. One of these truths concerns the identity of the lost tribes as described in Roman 11:25 For I would not...that you should be ignorant of this mystery...that blindness in part has happened to Israel.