Tuesday, September 17, 2019


I do not believe that God just left man on some endless time cycle to get his spiritual act together to the point that "Adam-man"comes into some Kingdom state of perfection. A time of "harvest'"must come that marks the "end of tare infestation."

Remember he told us to "occupy until he comes." So we are to be about our Father's work and not just waiting for his return."

As adults, a small number of us ( on key Biblical issues) have had to unlearn many things we thought were right. Each generation from the time of Adam has had to undergo this maturing process and work to overcome our many fleshly obstacles, If anything, the last six-thousands years, whether under the Old Covenant or the New Covenant, shows us that we are unable to bring in the perfected Kingdom of God this side of the "harvest."

God has a divine purpose in having the "tares" grow up together with the wheat people (Covenant Israel). We are not called to remove the tares; we are just called to separate from them, and at harvest time, King Jesus will send forth "reapers" to gather the tares for a good old Obadiah bonfire. 

But let us not miss the point in this parable that the wheat and the tares are part of God's divine plan, and the tares are certainly being true to their nature and character, aren't they? Would to God that the "wheat" would be true to the nature of Christ ad live and behave according to the fruits of the Spirit.

You see "the harvest" marks the end of Mystery Babylon and the end of the rule of man whereupon the Glory of the Kingdom of Heaven will be ushered in, and the ways of man will come to an end.

Under this New Covenant Age, God is using the tares so that a "remnant of Israel" whom the scriptures refer to us"kings and priests" are being groomed and prepared to rule with Christ in his coming perfected Kingdom of Light and Glory.

Among the tares, God's "saints" will continue to learn and gain spiritual wisdom concerning the forces of good and evil in this short temporal life.

Source: America's Promise Newsletter, July/August 2019, pages 16-20
America's promise Ministries Newsletter
P.O. Box 157
Sandpoint, ID. 83864

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