What was the appearance of Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden? That they had humanoid bodies cannot be denied. They were bipedal beings with two arms, two legs, two ears, and two eyes. However, they had glorified bodies clothed in light because of the fact that the physical body, the astral body, and the spiritual body, were in prefect harmony like that of the divine trinity in whose image they were fashioned.
Genesis two, verse 25, informs us that Adam & Eve were naked but not ashamed.In all probability the cloak of light that enveloped their bodies acted like clothing and hid their private parts which is why they can say they were naked, as they were not warning any garments, but also were not ashamed as the aura of light that enveloped their body covered everything. They also were not ashamed because they had not sinned as of yet and were living in a state of grace in as much as they walked daily with God. What happens to those who walk with God in such close proximity? They glow like the sun!
In Exodus 34, verses 29-30 and 33-35, we see where Moses' face shone like the sun after descending Mount Sinai after being in the presence of God. What is the appearance of the redeemed in Heaven? Matthew 13:43 informs us they will shine like the sun. (Which was also the appearance of Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration and in Revelations)
Now let us consider ancient sources regarding the original appearance of Adam & Eve before the fall;
Consider what Irenaeus of Lyon wrote in Against Heresies, I 30
"Adam and Eve formerly had light, luminous bodies and so to speak spiritual bodies, as they had been fashioned.
Now consider what the book of Zohar said:
"When our forefather Adam inhabited the Garden of Eden, he was clothed, as all are in Heaven, with a garment made of higher light.
Notice also there were no offspring until after the fall when Adam & Eve became more carnal thinks in no small part to the forbidden wisdom imparted by the serpent. (More on this later)
Notice the hand of Eve in this illustration is actually glowing?