Sunday, February 22, 2015


What was the appearance of Adam & Eve in the Garden of Eden?  That they had humanoid bodies cannot be denied. They were bipedal beings with two arms, two legs, two ears, and two eyes. However, they had glorified bodies clothed in light because of the fact that the physical body, the astral body, and the spiritual body, were in prefect harmony like that of the divine trinity in whose image they were fashioned.

Genesis two, verse 25, informs us that Adam & Eve were naked but not ashamed.In all probability the cloak of light that enveloped their bodies acted like clothing and hid their private parts which is why they can say they were naked, as they were not warning any garments, but also were not ashamed as the aura of light that enveloped their body covered everything. They also were not ashamed because they had not sinned as of yet and were living in a state of grace in as much as they walked daily with God. What happens to those who walk  with God in such close proximity? They glow like the sun!

In Exodus 34, verses 29-30 and 33-35, we see where Moses' face shone like the sun after descending Mount Sinai after being in the presence of God.  What is the appearance of the redeemed in Heaven? Matthew  13:43 informs us they will shine like the sun. (Which was also the appearance of Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration and in Revelations)

Now let us consider ancient sources regarding the original appearance of Adam & Eve before the fall;

 Consider what Irenaeus of Lyon wrote in Against Heresies, I 30

"Adam and Eve formerly had light, luminous bodies and so to speak spiritual bodies, as they had been fashioned.

Now consider what the book of Zohar said: 

"When our forefather Adam inhabited the Garden of Eden, he was clothed, as all are in Heaven, with a garment made of higher light. 

The fall of Adam & Eve is vastly more complicated than modern day Judeo-Christianity realizes. It involves far more than a talking snake and Adam & Eve eating forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. Notice that after the fall a transformation took place, perhaps an even better term would be a reverse transmutation, from finer to baser elements, as their luminous bodies lost its shine and their sexual organs, indeed their whole physical body, become predominant and visible to all, whereas previously it was cloaked in radiant light, as were their whole bodies. They realized now they were naked and ashamed, and something was vastly wrong, especially after their  auras of light disappeared. Their bodies were no longer in divine harmony as they physical now eclipsed both the astral and the spiritual.

Notice also there were no offspring until after the fall when Adam & Eve became more carnal thinks in no small part to the forbidden wisdom imparted by the serpent. (More on this later)

                                Notice the hand of Eve in this illustration is actually glowing?

Monday, February 9, 2015

1 Corinthians 15:40 Part V

Likewise the serpent's seed, although they lost their physical size and supernatural power eons ago by mating with regular humans in successive generations, they still have DNA that resonate at a different frequency than do humans, especially Adamkind,  and make them more susceptible to the demonic realm, and thus they still hearken to the siren call of one world government and the elimination of Adamkind and Christianity.

( And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of 12 stars.  And she being with child cried travailing in birth and pained to be delivered. And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his head. And his tail drew the third part of the stars out of heaven and did cast them to earth; and the dragon stood before the woman  which was ready to be delivered for to devour her child as soon as it was born....And the serpent cast out of his mouth as a flood after the woman...and the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed which kept the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.- The woman is two fold, both  Mary, and especially Israel in the latter days. By Israel we do not mean Jews, or the Jewish state in Palestine, but the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Celtic people, true Israel and the Sons of Adam because not all humanity is descended from Adam. The dragon is Satan and the Luciferian rebellion. The flood he sent from his mouth to wipe out the woman and her descendants is a flood of non-whites. He hopes to destroy  Adamkind via assimilation and miscegenation. He makes war upon the remnant of the Adamic people that still keep the commandments of the Lord and the Testimony of Jesus Christ. This does not refer to mainstream Christianity, whether in its Protestant or Catholic guise, but only to those in Adamkind who know their destiny and heritage and follow both New Testament laws and Old Testament biblical prohibitions.Only the Christian Identity faith fulfills this prophecy!)

Now we know what the Bible meant when it said we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places. By high places its means not only those who were in the economic and political realms of power but also the more esoteric dimensions closer to earth (commonly called the astral plane) which is the realm the serpent seed DNA is attuned to and some of the dimensions in which the fallen angels and disembodied spirits of the Nephilem reside. Calling Lucifer the price of the power of the air does not mean the atmosphere like we think but of those  invisible dimensions  must adjacent to  the moral realm.Those of serpent seed DNA who still dwell among us today are highly susceptible to the influences of these hidden dimensions and in the latter days they will be the shock troops and advocates for the New World Order and the subjugation and elimination of Christianity and Adamkind, which is to say white racial preservation and any consciousness of being a Covenant people. It will take the direct intervention of Christ returning bodily to earth to keep the elect from being totally destroyed (Those of our race who know their covenant heritage and keep the testimony of Christ along with the biblical prohibitions of the Old Testament. The elect is not, as mainstream Judeo-Christianity teaches, 144,000 Jews who have converted to Judeo-Christianity)

These dimensions are the realms through which the demonic manifests itself. Like calls to like and in this case humans are often the marionettes and the the demonic realm are the puppeteers. Perhaps this is really who controlled the Prince of Persia who withstood the Arch-angel Michael for 21 days!


Sunday, February 1, 2015

1 Corinthians 15: 40 Part IV

In spite, however, of their reversion back to to the human means as regards size they would still carry stands of Nephilem DNA in their genetic structure.  This is the essence of Genesis 3:15 and if it was more prevalent and horrific in the Antediluvian world then rest assured as we enter the latter days this DNA will activate once more and they will emerge from a period of dormancy to assume a role the world stage once more.

And then will the veil be removed and all will be revealed as the serpent's seed will no longer be hidden and once more becomes the prime advocate for the destruction of Adamkind and Christendom and the ushering in of global government, just like in the tower of Babel.

Realize that all matter is basically energy. That which appears to be solid is actually composed of atoms that vibrate at a different rate. Heaven and Hell , and all the dimensions between, are not up in the clouds, or in the center of the Earth, but are here with us now, but invisible to our senses because they vibrate at a different rate.  We do not sense them just as we cannot listen to all the radio frequencies on our radio at the same time. We must leave other frequencies behind and tune into new frequencies. But just as stations close together also bleed over once in a while, so also do dimensions close to the mortal realm.

Likewise our eyes can see only a small part of the electro-magnetic spectrum, that which is called the visible range, unlike birds and some insects that can see into the ultra violent range that we cannot. We can see light, but not X-rays or Gamma rays, which vibrate at a frequency beyond human vision.