You owe it to yourself and any family members that might have become infected with the Christian Zionist virus to pick up of copy of End time Delusions. The Rapture, The Anti-Christ, Israel, and the End of the World by Stephen Wohlberg. Now Wohlberg is NOT a Christian Identity follower but he does examine in minute detail the ideology of Christian Zionism-also called Judeo-Christianity- and dismantles that ideology brick by brink using solid Biblical doctrine. There are three schools of Christian thought related to the book of Revelations and the end times. Many claim the Anti-Christ was Nero and Revelations describes what happens in the invasion of Jerusalem in 70 AD and the subsequent fall of the Roman Empire in 476 AD. Others, like Christian Zionists, believe the Anti-Christ is yet to come and the Rapture is imminent and once Christians are whisked away the Anti-Christ will be revealed and he will attack Israel (whose establishment in 1948 Christian Zionists believe was a divine act that started the countdown to Armageddon.)
However, Wolberg believes the rapture is a false doctrine and that the Bible says there are many Anti-Christs, not just one that appears at the end of history, and that the anti-Christ has always existed side by side with Christianity since the church was formed.