"Let it be noted here that Israel's enemies are never victorious over her because they are righteous but because Israel is sinning, while Israel's enemies are never defeated because they are evil but because Israel is righteous. In other words, the defeat or victory of Israel's enemies depends upon the spiritual condition of Israel. By this spiritual condition we are not referring to the individual as such, though his relationship to God is important, but rather to the nation in its administration and observance of all his laws."
From the book Digest of Divine Law, by Howard B. Rand courtesy of America's Promise Ministries.
America's Promose Ministeries
PO Box 157
Sandpoint, ID. 83864
Of course, if one does not know who Israel is then one is lost. Mainstream Protestantism, especially in its Southern Baptist infestation, has forgotten who Israel is and consequently is worshiping a false idol in its place. The abomination of desolation is indeed now standing in the holy places being worshiped as God!