I think the move was blasphemous and the serpent that tempted Eve was not a snake as we understand a snake, despite what the majority of Judeo-Christians might believe, but the movie's depiction of the original appearance of Adam and Eve as Caucasians enveloped in an aura of light is spot on! After the fall they lost that aura which is what is meant by their countenances being darkened. The fall was not only spiritual but also physical in appearance.There were human beings on earth before Adam and Eve, what is called Pre-Adamites, but only through the bloodline of Adamites was the covenant and promises given. Interestingly, according to Anthropologists, whites are the youngest race on Earth geologically speaking whereas Negroes are the oldest with Asians occupying an intermediate space in between. Adam and Eve were created after the creation of the other races. All the races did not come from Adam and Eve, nor from the sons of Noah, as Judeo-Christians believe.